"This is?"
"Wei Zhong will prepare you with hope." "Thank you!" Three minutes later, Xu tui arrived at the delivery channel, and an officer handed Xu tui a war supply box. Including…
Read More"Wei Zhong will prepare you with hope." "Thank you!" Three minutes later, Xu tui arrived at the delivery channel, and an officer handed Xu tui a war supply box. Including…
Read MoreSo she is waiting for an appropriate opportunity. Yuntai has been to the abandoned hospital and stared at Dou Saiqi, so he told Yunzui Yunzui that he knew Dou Saiqi's…
Read MoreLu Chen wants to pursue along a straight line, but he also has to deal with those annoying steel torrents, which can't be effectively solved by chopping and kicking. He…
Read More那太道修士道“贫道乃是莫邪” 太元道修士看着龙虎一丝丝傲气不经意流转而出“贫道木青竹” 这两位领头道人都是玉独秀熟人一位是曾经争抢过雷兽莫邪还有一位是曾经追杀薛家叛徒被阻拦过木青竹 “不知道那凶手使神通居然将人打魂飞魄散”莫邪眼中剑气缭绕似乎能将虚洞穿 说起来这莫邪龙虎道人也算是老熟人追踪雷兽时打过交道而且还有过冲突 龙虎道人目光闪烁“说起来那修士乃是一女冠修法力都不算是很高单却偏偏御使得一种邪火这邪火威能巨大诸位道友就是陨灭那邪火” “却不知道那修士是那家高徒?”一边木青竹道 龙虎道人摇摇头“我那女冠打过一个照面却是不知道那女冠底细” “哼胆敢将我太道修士打魂飞魄散却是饶他不得座非要一剑斩了他不可”说到这里对着龙虎道人道“还请道长点兵激将贫道助阵贫道倒要会一会那女冠” 龙虎道人点点头自不许理对着那主将一阵低言主将眼中闪过亮光一刻手中令箭飞出吩咐左右亲卫道“速去将军击鼓升帐将带领诸位道长那小女一会” "dong" "dong" "dong" The drums sound all over the world, and the drums of the imperial dynasty sounded. The imperial…
Read MoreBut this time the flute didn't come. "Click click!" Jiang Tai all around is suddenly a Kaka click from the ground sound is very dense as if blocking all the…
Read MoreAt this time, a solution proposed by the Jiang family in the Terran Dawn City was finally adopted by the Terran layer. Shuguang City successfully invited the flying Terran reinforcements,…
Read MoreYou can say whatever you want. You count me out. No matter what the presidents of those associations say, they need to cooperate With what? Cooperate with fighters' trade unions…
Read MoreBeauty artificial intelligence is high, blinks, starts the stargate and laughs in response to "you are so funny that that kind of thing will definitely not happen" It's very convenient…
Read MoreBesides communicating with Lin, there are many creatures living in the dumping ball. There is a group of creatures ... who are the former culprits of attacking the remnant hunters.…
Read MoreBai Xiaofei explained, "Although the two adult idols have faith, they must be combined to move. More importantly, they need to be combined with their vitality to drive the faith.…
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